Submit Your Product Suggestion
At Olsa Tools, we pride ourselves for being innovative and offering the best tools and organizers for professional mechanics. We'd love to hear from you if you have:
Any suggestions for improvements to our products
Suggestions for any new tools you would like to see us develop

Idea Submission Policy
Updated February 9th, 2023.
At Olsa Tools, we appreciate your enthusiasm in sharing with us your ideas and recommendations for new products. We love hearing from our customers about ways in which we can improve our products and about suggestions for new products you would like to see from us.
However, it is our policy that all idea submissions (whether for new products, technologies, promotions, marketing campaigns, etc.) shall become the sole property of Olsa Tools and we are under no obligation to review the idea, to keep it confidential, nor to credit or compensate the submitter of the idea. This policy exists to avoid the possibility of future misunderstandings or disputes when our products or marketing strategies might seem similar to your suggestions
Olsa Tools cannot consider any ideas for licensing or royalties except in such cases when a product idea is covered by a fully-issued (non-pending) patent.
By sending us your ideas, you acknowledge and agree to the following:
- We may store, utilize, or distribute your feedback internally or publicly.
- We have no obligation to review the submission.
- We have no obligation to keep the submission confidential.
- We have no obligation to credit you for the submission.
- We have no obligation to provide compensation or royalties for the submission.
- We are not responsible for any apparent similarities between your submission and any products, services, or business strategies that we may develop.
- You provide your suggestions freely and understand that by providing feedback you assign all rights and ownership of the ideas to Olsa Tools.
We always welcome recommendations from our customers and are committed to providing useful, innovative, and professional-grade tools and tool organizers to our customers. This policy is in place to protect both us and you against any potential misunderstandings. We thank you for your understanding and always appreciate any feedback you have for us.